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Oyasumi~Lullaby of the Flame~
”Oyasumi".Came out as a beautiful collaboration with Arisa Wakami, a sand painting animation artist.
 This summer, the short animation film has been being screened at Cannes Shorts, LA International Children's Film, and many other places! Click here for details.
​is the old name of the color in ancient Japan.it is the moving color between green and blue. When you look down the big pot under the trees. the wanter reflects blue of sky and greens of trees. this song to share the sense of tasting the  world in ancient Japan.
Moon chant
Moon Chant
a song for the moon. before the voice finds the words, just put the heart to the voice to devote for her.She always watch us. she always send the lights , as reflection of true ourselves...  
Dear My Land
 love  for the mother earth. This Ancient japanese words (Jomon) resonate well with japanese  area of this planet. Yes.languages have those power.
​is the Woodland Cemetery, in Stockholm Sweden.  it shows us the beautiful way to say goodbye and feel connected with people who passed away .
"Spacious" plays, sharing the feeling of together-ness with everything around us,  as music.
​I joined this piece as the voice of spirit in the forest.  
Ave maria no morro
「Ave Maria No Morro」by Herivelto Martins.
​From my album「Dear My Land」。
One of my favorite Okinwan folk songs.
Love recording.