October 11, 2024 @ National Simultaneous Meditation “Shall we Kuuu?”

Tokyo, Yatsugatake, Osaka, Lake Biwa, Kitakyushu, Okinawa, etc…. This is a nationwide meditation event, to create a new world from the deep “Ku” by meditating at the same time all over Japan. It is said that about 50~100 people will meditate at each location. Nowadays, many people of all ages and professions meditate. It is going to be something great.

I will be facilitating a song called “Lokah,” which will be sung in a national chorus at the end of the event, at the Yatsugatake venue.

Here is the song “Lokah”

The mantra “Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu” in Sanskrit is sung into it. The meaning is often translated as “May all living beings be happy,” “May the world be happy,” or “May my actions benefit someone somewhere.

Many people around the world sing this mantra, each with its own sound&melody. In this world now, I wanted to sing it too, with my own voice.
About 100 people are going to sing together this in a big chorus. And the place is that Yatsugatake Retreat Dome, so I am really looking forward to it.

Isn’t it nice to be in the beautiful Yatsugatake in autumn, in the big meditation “Ku”, in the whirlpool of songs, and in the hot springs? ☺️ Even first-time meditators are welcome to join us. I am sure you will experience the feeling of meditation as you enter this powerful space. For more information, click here.