Nominated for the Mainichi Film Competition in the Animation category!”Oyasumi” is now on Youtbe!
London International Film Festival
Making Film of”Oyasumi” won these awards …!
A concert to deliver rice cakes for the New Year in Noto.
Finished☺️Dec.6th,2020 @Ten’s Space,tokyo.
The last Utazoku of this year is held in Yatsugatake ⛰🎶.
A improvisation , dedicated to a Tangerine Skirt① “Released”
Delighted to share the news: our Music Video “Lullaby of Flame (Oyasumi)” is an #officialselection for the2022#cannes _shorts@#filmfestival. Starts on this Monday!
“Oyasumi” is in Music Video category. you can get ticket here!
Also, we are just informed that ” Oyasumi “has selected officially in this film festival in this year!